Sunday, June 22, 2008

Time for a Change?

When you're feeling like it might be time to make a change in your career, it might be wise to start by considering two basic questions? First, "is it my work/role or is it the environment or organization that I'm working in?" There may just be a disconnect between your current career values (what is truly important to you in your work) and the values (or lack of values) that exist in the organization that you represent each work day. Maybe it's the size of the company, their management style, their areas of focus (profit, people, social responsibility, ethics), their structure...any number of items. The second question you should ask yourself is "have I reached a saturation point - the point of burn out - in this career, where I no longer enjoy my work/role?"

So when struggling with the issue of whether or not to make a change, take a few steps back and spend some time reflecting on these 2 questions. This self assessment should help to clarify the potential next organization vs. new career focus!

Have you found yourself battling this question of change?

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