Monday, September 28, 2009

Carry Your Resume in Your Pocket!

Let me tell you about a very simple, low cost, yet highly effective marketing tool for your job search strategy. I call it the ProCard and it is essential for your job search and professional networking activity. Here’s how it works…

After developing a polished resume presenting a solid focus on the career role you are pursuing, you need to add the ProCard to your job search toolbox. I highly recommend that clients add two to three branding titles to the heading of their resume. These titles represent roles that you have served in, roles that you are prepared to assume, or functional areas that represent your expertise, such as Communications Manager (title) vs. Communications and Branding (areas). Two to three of these branding titles belong on your ProCard.

Now let’s talk about You should have an eye catching profile on this No.1 professional networking site. If not, sign up for a free account today. Review my previous post on the value of developing a solid Linkedin profile. I cringe when I hear people talk about spending up to $1k or more to have a career services company develop a web based resume/portfolio. Please save your money and create your own web based resume using a free Linkedin account. Linkedin allows you to create a vanity URL, to incorporate your name into the web address for your account, rather than some random string of numbers. This vanity URL belongs on your ProCard - it will give people immediate access to the focused resume content that you have used to build/maintain your Linkedin profile.

Now let’s put the pieces together…

Go to to order high quality, low cost business cards. Select a card template that is professional and pleasing to the eye and then start to insert your content into the template. Remember the KISS rule and keep it simple. Start by inserting your Name and any academic/professional credentials (Andrew J. Smith, MBA, CPA). Then Insert a few of your branding titles under your name (Accounting ~ Financial Management). Next, add your Linkedin vanity URL to the card ( Finish the card by adding one phone number and your email address.

You’re done! Order your cards and when they arrive you are ready to go. Your ProCard is now a short cut to the resume data and profile you are promoting on Linkedin – a resume in your pocket! Hand your ProCard out at meetings and networking events; to friends, family and colleagues; at interviews…wherever the opportunity presents itself to promote yourself and give people an immediate link to your resume content.